Monday, December 01, 2008

My Mum forgot my Gotcha Day

Another "back picture" own Mum forgot my Gotcha Day! It wasn't until she read the Cat Blogosphere news that she realized! Can you believe it! When she has some time off at Christmas I have to sit down with her and have her get her priorities straightened out, sigh....

One good thing, she is working on my blog and has got quite a few of my friends back on our blogroll (but not all), now she just has to make me a new heading and figure a way to get rid of that Solar Energy Charity Box.

Thanks to all of my dear friends who left Happy Gotcha Day greetings on my previous post, your the best!


Daisy said...

Oh Kellie, I am very sorry that your mom forgot your Gotcha Day. I think you deserve lots of treats to make up for it.

The Island Cats said...

Hi ya, Kellie! Happy Gotcha Day! We hope the rest of your day is great!

Dma said...

oh man that is totally unforgivable. i think your mom owes you big time to make up for forgetting your gotcha day.

Fat Eric said...

Happy happy gotcha day, Kellie! Do you have Temptations on your back in that picture? It looks like it!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY GOTCHA DAY Kellie! Our the mom does weird stuff likes that too - it's really time to put the bitey on when they ferget impawtant stuffs!

~ Molly ~

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Kellie, how awful!!! Ok, me and sammy has a secret - mommy cannot 'amember our gotcha days at all. we're furry upset about that.

Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!!

Everycat said...

I think only a LARGE plate of finest, fresh, wild salmon, delicately steamed would be suitable compensation for this shocking neglect Kellie.

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...

Kellie, happy Gotcha Day from all of us, and may you have many more happy years!

Parker said...

I hope that you get a lot of sympathy treats for this!
Happy belated gotcha' day sweetie!

Brownie said...

I'm so sorry, who would forgot your gotcha day? You're such a nice kitty!

seriously amused said...

Happy Gotcha Day!

We hope you're playing hard to get because now your Mom has to prove that she's worthy of your forgiveness.

Ms. P and Cinza

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh my beautiful kelly! happy Gotcha Day to you dear friend. Sorry your mummy has been oversightly with you of late. They get that way it seems....mine is cranky because I peed on the carpet. geeeezzzz what is the big deal....she has a carpet steamer after all!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It's just not good enough Kellie. You will have to get your human retrained as she is obviously not doing her job of serving your every need.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well that was horrible that she forgot your Gotcha Day! We came by but forgot to leave a note later on thinking that you would soon have a gotcha day post. Demand treats--it's the only way they can apologize!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy Gotcha Day purdy gurl!

Just Ducky said...

happy belated gotcha day. Beans are so hard to train. Mum forgot my blogoversary this year.::sigh::

Quasi said...

I think your mom should really work at making this up to you! BTW, please remind your beans that my book, The World is Your Litter Box, makes a great holiday gift. It’s only 9.95 green papers and is available at Barnes & Noble and

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Kellie! We're sorry your Mom forgot and we sure hope she makes it up to you with loads of extra treats and chin scrinches!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Chrissie said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Kellie! Your mom sure needs to give you lots of extra skritches and treats..that's for forgettin' your gotcha day..and then some more just 'cause you're you!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh no, she forgot your Gotcha Day!!! We hope she makes up to you with lots of treats and presents! Mom once forgot Mr. Tigger's birthday till mine in July (his was in May)!!
Your FL furiends,

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Happy Gotcha Day Kellie!!! Sorry your mommie forgot. Perhaps you can forgive her if she gives you lots and lots of treats!!!

muffinmidi said...

Happy Gotcha Day Kellie. I'm so sorry your mommy forgot your gotcha day.She owes you big time! May iI suggest pooping on her pillow?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Kellie, the Beins should NEFER forget the Gotcha Day! It is the MOST importanest day of the year ta kitties...

Ya should demand salmon an ham, an shrimps, ta make up fer it!

Anonymous said...

Kellie we are very sorry that Mom forgot your Gotcha Day. Our Mom forgot Lucy's gotcha day in November too. What is it with Mom's these days.

You have every right to give her the Back of Disrespect!


jenianddean said...

Sometimes our beans get busy and miss those days, but it's not because they don't love you. I'd still put a hairball in her shoe.

Sunny's Mommy said...

She does need a talking to. I think you should get extra treats, too!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Happy Gotcha Day Kellie! By the Way...we gotcha...please check out our blog today 'cause you have been tagged for a Meme! Yes, you do have a very beautiful, artistic back!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Forty Paws said...

Oh no! We are so very sorry that we missed your Gotcha Day! Many many {{{hugs}}} and purrs for missing your Gotcha Day!

Luf, Us

My Siberian Kitties said...

You have a very cute striped orange bottom... If ya got it, flaunt it !!

Jackie from Minnesota