Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Cat Street Boyz tagged me for a meme. Here is how it goes:

Go to your picture folder on your computer, or...wherever you store your pictures.Go to the sixth folder and then pick the sixth picture. Post it on your Bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture..........
So this is the 6th picture in our 6th folder. It is of my cousin Sylvester. Sylvester is the cat that lives with my Mum's brother, sister-in-law and 11 year old niece. When the niece was just a baby about 3 months old Sylvester invited himself to live with them. They had a cat door for their cat Cuddles (now at the Rainbow Bridge) and when Sylvester was just a baby kitty he came in the cat door and made himself at home. They tried very hard to find out where he belonged, but no one ever claimed him. The brother thinks someone didn't want him, whoever had him first even cut his whiskers really short, to like about 1/4 of an inch long! They were glad to have him and now 11 years later he is the king of the house. He even does tricks for ham!
Thanks Cat Street Boyz for tagging me, that was a very fun meme. Now I will tag 5 cats:


Sunny's Mommy said...

Your Cousin Sylvester is such a handsome mancat!

Cafe Cats said...

Sylvester is a furry handsome boy!

Dma said...

tricks for ham? sign me up. thanks for tagging me and the boyz. we will respond in the next few days...

Daisy said...

Cousin Sylvester is very handsome. And he knew just where he wanted to live!

Parker said...

Oh what a handsome boy!
Kellie - I did that Meme yesterday!
Go see!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Sylvester looks very handsome perched up there. Thanks for tagging us. We did this meme yesterday (Tuesday) if you want to go and have a look.

Anonymous said...

Sylvester is a handsome Tuxie! We think our Mom could never have turned him away either.

The Island Cats said...

That's a great story (and pic) about Sylvester. That was fun!

Quill and Greyson said...

What a nice boy

Anonymous said...

Sylvester is really cute! We're so happy he found a great forever home!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great story about Sylvester. Jus proves a little positive headbutting at doors will help ya find a home!

PB 'n J said...

Sylvester certainly is a handsome one! What a fun meme!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Thanks for playin' Kelly....your cousin was a Cat Street Boy huh? Well we are glad he has a great forever home.....snuggles Kelly=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I'll bet that Sylvester's whiskers are plenty long now!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Letter to Kellie from MAximillian:

My darling dearest Orange Queen. I so enjoyed your meme about Mr Sylvester. He looks like a very enjoyable bloke. I wil try and get my mommy to do this meme soon. She did take a look in the pic folder to see what it was... and it is actually me!
I am going to ask the General Chewy to let me have a bit of holiday leave. This would leave me free to escort you to a fine seafood restaurant where we may dine the evening away.
My dearest girl, I am delighted that you recovered my photograph. I did ask Mommy to take another, and she will try and send it out before Chris-must, but unfortunately, you know you cannot count on humans for anything! Oh, they SAY they will do this or that, but many, many times, it simply is forgotten, or some weak excuse arises.
But dearest, perhaps I will email it to you if nothing else.
And now I must go back to the briefing room. General Chewy has brought in yet another stack of radio transmissions for me to decode.
Until we meet,
Your adoring Maximillian

Anonymous said...

Awww Sylvester is a handsome kitty.I'm so glad he found your uncle and his family.It's good to be loved.Thank you for the cute Christmas card...Hugs Ariel

Everycat said...

That was a good meme Kellie. Sylvester is beautiful, how awful that whoever dumped him cut his whiskers, that's so cruel. He looks very fine and happy in his loving home now though. Wonderful.

Whicky Wuudler