Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Skootch over.....please...

Lately, I have had a very sore chest and ribs. The Doctor says it is Costochondritis, which apparently is an inflammation at the junction of the rib bone and breastbone. It is crazy painful and because of my failing kidneys I can't take anything for it. Therefore, I constantly have a heating pad pressed to my chest. This works out fine at work, no one there tries to sit on my lap and hog the heat : ) When I get home however, the fun begins! Kellie likes nothing better than to curl up on my chest on top of the heating pad, which is rather uncomfortable. All evening we have this tussle with me trying to convince her to lie at the bottom part of the heating pad where my lap is. Several times this week I woke in the middle of the night only to find Kellie stretched out on the heating pad, purring away. I think I may need to buy another heating pad.

1 comment:

Dma said...

I hope you feel better soon. Maybe every time Kellie sits on your ribs you should poke her in hers. That'll teach her.