Monday, September 08, 2014

Tuesday Tummy Day

I love to lay on Mum's lap and look at the world upside down. I also like it when I lay like this and she snorgles my tummy : )


Dma said...

tummy snorgles are all the rage.

Marg said...

That is such a nice tummy you have there. Bet the Mom did snorgle it.You all have a great Thursday. Thanks so much for visiting our blog. Good to meet you.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yep, tummy snorgles are fun. :)

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

So cute! You have a very nice tummy. Thanks for visiting our blog - we love making new furiends!!

Anonymous said...

Hi neighbour, you are one good looking kitty. You're not fat...a little floofy and voluptuous. My sister can get rather voluptuous too...haha

Have a great day my friend

Bugs hugs,


World of Animals, Inc said...

Tummy photos are just the best to see. You're having so much fun on your momma's lap hanging upside down. Thanks for sharing the cute photo. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and a happy upcoming new year.
World of Animals