Friday, June 13, 2008

My Cosmic Twin Dante

Many have commented on how much Dante from the Purrageous Pirates and I look alike. His Mum and mine have commented to each other that we were startled when we visited each others blogs to see their baby's picture - only to realize it was Dante/Kellie.

Well yesterday it became even more surreal when I visited the Purrageous Pirates and noticed that Dante and I have the same birthday - June 21! How weird is that! Okay, he will only be 3 and I will be 7, but I am convinced we are some sort of cosmic twins!

See - aren't we similar!



Twins separated at birth...


Anonymous said...

That's true! You are both gorgeous Gingers! We've also found many kitties that looks like Gandalf, probably because he looks so much like a Russian Blue. Grayson seems to be one of a kind, though.

Lux said...

You *are! That's really amazing ...

PB 'n J said...

That is soooo cool - there are tons of kitties with the same birthday as me, but none of them look like me. That's pretty special!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

You two really do look a lot alike! My cosmic twin is Momma Grace over at and we are both ginger tabbies too!

Purrrrrrs, China Cat

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You two do look alike!
~ The Bunch

Daisy said...

Wow, that is neat-o!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Maybe you aren't just twins--maybe you are the same cat?!

Bubbles said...

We have seen a lot while traveling space and we think you're right, you and Dante are cosmic twins!

Today we ended our honeymoon and Karl will stay in the Netherlands for a week.

Back home now we want to thank you for attending our special day!!

Hugs and love from us,
Karl & Ruis

Karen Jo said...

It is so cool that you and Dante not only look so much alike, but that you have the same birthday. You must be cosmic twins. {{{hugs}}}

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We are definitely cosmic twins! Can I call you big sister? I have always wanted a sister but I only have brothers.

Mommy said to have your Mommy email her at jackanddante at gmail dot com so we can talk about our joint birthdays!!

Ana said...

That's really weird! Are you having a huge birthday party together?

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Mommy says dat it is wonderful dat there is not one but TWO such gorgeous kitties in this world. Ginger Tabbies are furry special creatures.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Twins AND the same birfday? Thats a mazin!

Anonymous said...

You two do look very much alike. They say that everycat has a twin and you found yours!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

How cool is that?!! You guys DO look alike and same birthday, wow!
Mr. Chen & Ollie