Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - 13 things I saw at the VET

Thirteen things I saw at the VET:
  1. A black and white DOG - he was very silly - he kept winding his leash around his beans leg.
  2. A white dog with a funny cone contraption on his head - not a paper plate like Lego has, but an actual plastic cone thing - very strange.
  3. Fishes - the VET had a great big aquarium of fishes - my Mum stopped and showed them to me, but I wasn't interested at that time, after I got home though I kept thinking about them fishes being all captive in that tank, I think they would have been easy to hunt.
  4. Birdies - can you believe they have birds at the VETs place - I think they are horsd'oeuvres for us kitties! They were in cages. Had I been more comfortable I would have helped myself, maybe next time.
  5. A kitten - the poor thing didn't even realize that it should be scared! It just sat quietly in its PTU, not screaming or crying or anything! He has alot to learn.
  6. A very handsome VET. He was very kind and good looking and I think he really liked me because he told me how pretty I was and how it was unusual to have a female orange tabby - yup - I think he had a crush on me too!
  7. The corner of the couch - when I was first let out of my PTU I went up on the couch and hid my head in the corner. It is a well known fact that if you can't see them, then they can't see you.
  8. Grandpa's car - I have never seen the inside of Grandpa's car before, I have heard it, but never seen the inside before! We usually go in Mum's car, but Grandpa volunteered because he thought it would be easier, he is so cute.
  9. A thermometer - I saw this round glass instrument on the table, but I NEVER would have imagined that they would put that in my SPOT #13 - who could imagine that!
  10. Pictures - I saw pictures of the animals that the VET's have at home. They had cats and woofies.
  11. Food - I saw a big display of food! Lots and lots and lots of it. Sadly, the bags and tins were all closed.
  12. Plants - the VET's had plants in the waiting room. Since I have killed all my Mum's plants I don't see plants very often.
  13. A stethoscope, the handsome Doctor listened to my heart with it : )

Many of you asked what diet food tasted good - it's called Presciption Diet R/D Feline - so far I am finding it yummy.


Dma said...

boy u sure saw lots of things at the vet. you must have been one tired kitty when u got back home...

Daisy said...

You are good at being observant, Kellie. I am usually trying to pretend I am invisible and am far too scairt to see anything. I even get sweaty paws at the vet's!

neverfull said...

oh i hate going to the V-E-T. but maybe it would be better if there were fishes and birdies to catch.

The Furry Kids said...

That is a great list. But I'm sorry that you had to go to the V-E-T in the first place.

We really liked your evil eye picture from yesterday. It made Momma giggle and she was glad that she was not on the receiving end of that eye. hee hee


Parker said...

Dear Kellie -
Very interesting!
I'm kinda strange about the VET - I flirt with them, I really don't mind goingthat much. My siblings are a very diffierent story!

PB 'n J said...

I always yell at the vet. In fact the very first time I ever went to see him he wanted to take my picture, but I wouldn't stop yelling at him, so now there's a picture of me yelling at him on the wall in the office :-)


jenianddean said...

I "talk" all the way to the vet's office. (Mom says I cry.) But once I get there I usually just walk around and sniff stuff. I have a pretty lady vet, but I bet Maggie and Josie wish we had a Doctor Handsome like you!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Quasi said...

Wow, I would have been too nervous to remember any of that! I've often run a fever at the vet from fear -- imagine, a big man cat like me!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

so da trip to da vet wuzza success?

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You saw lots at the v-e-t! I will have to pay better attention next time I go. Maybe I will get Meowm to take her flashy box thing!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That wuz a lot of things you saw at the V E T. We are yooshully too busy trying not to be dragged out of the PTU to see what's there.

Mickey's Musings said...

Gee Kellie,those were 13 cool things to see at the Vet!! Birdie snacks?Yummy!! :)
I'm glad things went well and you don't have to go back!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I STILL don't wanna go to the vet. Oh, an' we've got PLENTY o' birdies livin' right up in the eaves above the black masheen (they keep goin' potty on it an' makin' Mom mad). She's not a fan o' birdies like I am.

Lux said...

See? See why I like to go the vet? You actually see interesting things, not like here at home! ;-)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, ya sure saw lots of innerestin stuff at the V-E-T! We just stay in our PTU's an talk ta each other quietly until it is all over.

Skeeter and LC

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow, that was a busy vet. I think I would have enjoyed the fish.

MaoMao said...

That's a lotta stuffies to see at the v.e.t.! I don't mind goin to the vet so much but I talk a lot all the way there, the whole time there, and alla way back -- MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO! Of course I talk a lot anyhows.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Ana said...

This really must be a great vet having all those nice things. And he seems to be quite busy with all those patients.

Anonymous said...

Great thirteen I would have been to scared to remember anything.#9 made me laugh :)

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I see a cat only vet, so I never see woofies or anything like that at my vet.

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

that is a lot of things. I usually hide at the vet and don't look!

Forty Paws said...

Your vet's office sounds very interesting! And that is so cool that he has a crush on you!

You don't yak your R/D? We do, so Maw had to start mixing it with Purina OM. We usually yak it when it expands with water.

Luf, Us

Sunny's Mommy said...

There are a lot of things to see when you go to the vet! Our vet has birds in the waiting room, too. BIG birds :-0