It's furry nice to lick
If only she was here with me
I'd give her hair-licks, double quick.
My Grandma can do first aid
And has lots of common sense
She also has a Scottie dog
Who makes me rather tense
She lives near lots of beaches
Where her woofie likes to play
I wish that she was near me now
To celebrate her purrthday,
Yes, my Grandma is an April Fool
For she was born that day
So I'm sending her lots of purrs
To wish her a happy purrthday!
Love Fat Eric

Happy Birfday to yoor Gramma! May she haf a hunnert more...
Wait, dat is not yoor gramma, dat's is Fat Eric's Gramma! Oh Kellie, yoo are making us confuzzled!
Happy Birthday to your Cornish Grandma!
Happy Birthday Kellie's Cornish Grandma:) xxx
LOL - Happy April Fools!
Happy Happy Birthday to your Grandma~!
She is a very lovely lady!
Happy purrfday to Fat Eric's Cornish Grandma and Happy April Fool's day.
Happy April Fools' Day! Fun joke, having Fat Eric on your blog, Kellie. So should be say Happy Birthday to his Grandma here, or on his blog?
Happy Birthday to Fat Eric's Cornish Gramma. I hope she can find these birthday withes here at Kellie's blog!
Love it! Happy April Fool's Day and Happy Birthday!
Happy Purrthday to your Grandma! That's a lovely pome you wrote for her,
Gypsy & Tasha
Happy Purrfday Cornish Gramma!!!
Happy Purrthday, Cornish Grandma!
And Happy April Fool's Day!
The gingers are being so silly day. Fat Eric on Kellie the Orange Cat's blog and Eric and Flynn on PB&J's blog...craziness!!
Eric - Happy Birthday Cornish Grandma!!
Great joke!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Oh, that is soooo sweet!
Happy Birthday to your Gramma!
Kellie you have long furs and a white belly!!! Happy birthday to Fat Eric's Gramma!
Kellie, I'd say I don't know where you are but I know better :).
Hee hee hee! Happy April Fools! And Happy Birthday to your Cornish Grandma Eric!
what a nice poem. Hope your grandmum wasn't teased too much when she was a kid for being born on April Fools Day...
Happy Birthday to your Gramma.
Roxy & Lucky
Fat Eric! Your grandma was born on April Fool's Day? That's neat-o! Happy birthday to her.
I just found Kellie at Kaze's place!
ha ha ha this is a great April Fools Day! Great poem to your grandma Eric...or is it Kellie.....
Happy Purrthday to you Grandma. That was a furry nice poem you wrote for her.
Happy Purrthday Eric's Grandma! We found you Eric! Now, is Kellie hiding somewhere too?
Happy Birthday to Fat Eric's gramma! Wow! I've been zoomin' all over an' finding lots of April Fool's Day pranks! Wow!
Eric, what are you doing over here?
From Maximillian to Kellie:
Oh Happy Birthday to your Cornish Grandmother my sweetest Kellie!
I have missed you my dearest. My mommy was worried about your mommy. And then that made me worry.
I was so tense about things that I went ahead and worked overtime at the Burmese Security Council so that I could forget my problems. But now that all will turn out well.
I think that I should take a weekend off and that you and I should have dinner at Dr Tweety's "itty-bitty restaurant", and enjoy some tuna together.
We can talk about our trip to San Francisco, and just enjoy the Spring sunshine.
My dearest beautiful Kellie, you have me all a twitter.
Hi Kellie Eric! What a grate poem fur yur Cornish Grandma. I hope she knows where to find her pome.
Great April Fool's joke, all the blog hoppin!
Happy birthday to your grandma and happy aprils fools day.
I am wishing the happiest of birthdays to your Cornish Grandma's Purrthday, Fat Eric! And I must say I was certainly surprised to find you here!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
Happy Birthday Grandma!
Oh Kellie I can tell this was a funny day in the blogosphere for sure! Lots of wandering going around! Every one had a great time finding out who was where!
There is lots of prankstering in the ol bones yet!
Love and soft hugs from your Miss Peach who slept all day
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