Friday, February 15, 2008

Finally Feline Friday

This is my deep thinking pose. I am trying to figure out why my Mummy is still hurting even after stopping Lipitor, obviously that wasn't the cause - darn. She has another Dr.'s appointment on Tuesday, maybe then can figure it out then.

Yesterday, Valentines Day, Mum and I spent the entire day in bed, she was aching and I was keeping her warm and being a good cat nurse, she says I really help her feel better!

I did teleport over to Dr. Tweety's Love Boat Cruise and hung out with my Maximillian for awhile, but I wasn't able to chat, as my typist (aka Mum) didn't turn on the computer yesterday.

I had a lovely time with Maximillian, he is definately the mancat for me. He is so handsome and thoughtful, what more could a ladycat ask for. I loved being on the ship with Maximillian, with the breeze blowing through our furs, ahhh...... isn't love grand.

I hope everycat has a great weekend.


Lux said...

I hope you have a great weekend, too, and that your mummy feels better soon, Kellie.

Artsy Catsy said...

Happy belated Valentine's Day, Kellie! We're sending a whole houseful of purrs to help your mommy stop hurting.


HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh happy belated valentines day! Hope your human feels better soon, a poorly human is of no use whatseoever. x

Mr. Hendrix said...

I'm so sorry your mommy is still feeling icky. We'll send big healing purrs her way and hope the doctor will fix it right away.

I'm glad you got to spend some of Valentine's Day with your Maximillian. It is important to keep up your strength and keep positive.

Big purrrrrrrs that you have a good weekend of resting.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Puuurrrrs to you Mummy. I hope the doctors can figure out what the problem is and that she will be up and feeling much better soon.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think you did the right thing snuggling with your human so that she starts to feel better. Purrs.

Tybalt said...

I hope your mommy's nasty aching stops soon, Nurse Kellie. Happy Belated Valentine's Day, and have a good weekend!

Dma said...

I hope they can figure out what is going on with your mom and do something to get rid of the pain...

glad your romance is going great.

Fat Eric said...

Sorry to hear your mum isn't feeling good.
We love the snuggly pictures of you. My mum can't resist ginger cats.
Happy belated Valentine's Day!

Laura W said...

I love your deep thinking pose! I don't have one of those, I don't think. Ha! I don't think!

I am very sorry to hear that your Mum is still having such bad pain. That totally sucks. Tuesday is a long way away, but I sure hope she gets lots of rest and love this weekend and hears some helpful news from the doctor on Tuesday!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Maybe dat lipitor stuff hurted her mussels too much and it will take time fur dem to get fixed. We will purr dat she stops hurting soon. In da meantime give her extra purr and fur therapy.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Kellie, we are very glad that you and Maximillian are getting along so well!

We hope your mom feels better soon and gets some answers. Sending lots of healing purrs her way.

Kimo and Sabi said...

We hopes yer momma feels better soon - have a great weekend!

Daisy said...

I'm sorry your mom is still hurting; could it take some time for the Lipitor to get out of her system? I hope she feels better soon.

MaoMao said...

I'm glad you and Max hadded a great time on the cruise and that you had a superduper Valentine's Day!

We Ballicai are sorry yur Momma is still hurtin. We'll purr and purr and purr for her!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you and Max are such a marvelous couple! I'm so glad you found each other. And I am glad you had a lovely Valentine's Day!

I am purring for your sweet Mom to feel better soon. I am so sorry she is still hurting!

Lots of purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I hope your Mum starts feeling better soon.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yer a good kitty, Kellie, fer tendin to yer Mom when she isn't feeling right.

We are glad ya got a chance to slip away fer a while when she was nappin, though... Care-takers need a little time to themselves too.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We hope your Mum is feeling better!
The KittyCats that live inside are sending lots of purrrs to her.

~ Bob and Patrick

The Cat Realm said...

The cruise was great and you and Maximillian are a wonderful couple!!!
We hope your Mom is getting better soon, we are sending a lot of healing purrs!!!!

Christine and FAZ said...

Nice view of your lovely soft tummy too. FAZ

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Both of our beans are not feeling well~! Mine is getting better, I hope your beans are recovering as well~!

Anonymous said...

For a supposedly beneficial drug, Lipitor has some nasty side effects. One cannot say that about cat snuggling. Having a cat close by makes everyone feel better without muscle aches or memory loss, either.

Forty Paws said...

Oh goodness! We hope that your Mum's aches and pains leave!!!

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